Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So I have decided that part of my "New Adventure" is me getting back into shape. When I started school at culver I weighed 165 pounds. I was a sports girl so that weight didn't bother me. Well after 4 years of doing nothing but drinking beer and sitting on a couch I left Culver weighing 225 pounds. (I admit its scary to say that number out loud but I need to if I'm going to be honest with myself.) Right now after just watching what I eat and walking more I now weigh roughly 186.
Now you might be wondering why I am telling you this. Well I want to use this blog as a way for me to get back into shape. I have to be serious and if I want a career and I need to be in shape. So I bought the P90X workout. So far I'm a month in and I have to admit some days it's really hard to keep doing the workout. I would much rather be laying in bed watching a movie or sleeping in.
I want this blog to help push me to lose the weight. With almost 30 days down in the workout I lost about 8 pounds. My goal in the next 60 days is to get down to 170. Be prepared for weekly updates or possibly even daily updates about how much I hate having to do the workouts or how busy my schedule is now.
I hope you don't get too annoyed but if you do you don't have to read. Have a great day everyone!!!


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