Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Heading home... for a bit...

Well... So the idea of me keeping a blog and keeping it updated seemed to go out the window as soon as I got here to England. So I'll do a short recap of the past two months and everything that happened.

The flight here went well though when I arrived in Heathrow I thought someone had swiped my luggage (luckily there was just a little confusion from one girl and i received my luggage after 10 minutes of freaking out). Got to Brighton and totally freaked! It wasn't this small town like Canton but a huge city with thousands of people and cars (driving on the wrong side of the rode to me).

Met my flat mates and got settled in. Jenaan who is from India turned to be one of my best friends here. Not only do I trust her to go out and drink with me but I also trust her that when I did have my emotional break down she allowed me to sit on her bed and through tears and a runny nose explain everything I was thinking at 1:00 in the morning.

I auditioned for the Musical Theatre Societies Spring Musical: West Side Story and got cast as Rosalia. Not only do I sing but I also get to dance. (Exciting stuff for me considering I never thought of myself as a dancer) Classes are going very well though some of my classmates and I disagree. I guess putting a group of masters students in one room and telling them to create a piece of work doesn't work very well considering we all have COMPLETELY different personalities.

And that brings you up to the present. So far I have faced everything I was scared I would face: fear, happiness, loneliness, depression, excitement, and a number of other emotions too confusing to write. And now that I have felt all of these emotions I am going home.

Home. Wow, it seems like so far away. In actuality it is, if I think of Wenona as home, but recently I've started to consider Brighton home. I've met some amazing people that I consider as close friends and am finally starting to open myself up to others again. I'm not saying I'm ready for a relationship, that is definitely not the case, but I am ready to start meeting people and having a good time and not worrying about what this person or that person would think of me.

And so in two days I fly home to see my family and friends. Hopefully this holiday season will be better then the past. But to speak honestly, even if it doesn't I'm not too worried because in a short amount of time I will be coming back to Brighton and celebrating the New Year in a new city and with new friends.

And so I think this blog is long enough. But now that I have written again I will continue to write. Perhaps even start writing songs again. Who knows?

1 comment:

  1. It is about time you updated your blog. Though I guess I don't need the update since I get them stright from you. I am so excited that you are coming home!! Let me know what is going on. If you are still on at my 6:00 tonight I'll try to be on. I miss you and love you
