Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gosh I suck at keeping this thing updated! Thanks to Sara Jane I'm going to try to start again... for the 20th time lol...

Ok. So what's going on with me... Well I started working out even harder this time. I restarted the P90X program. I'm already on day 10 and I'm finding it hard to skip a day. This should be a good thing but there are times I wish I could just lay in bed and not have to go and get all sweaty in my kitchen from the workout. Along with the P90X workout I'm also following a stricter diet and running.

The running is going really well. It's this workout called Couch to 5K. I actually miss it when I'm not running in the morning, though my parents gave me the advice that I shouldn't be running every day AND the P90X workout, my body needs time to adjust. I'm enjoying running by the sea and I'm afraid that when I finally move back to the states not only is the heat going to kill be but also the lack of the ocean.

The diet is going pretty well. Today wasn't my best day but I'm keeping my calories low and focusing on my veg. and lean meats. Still having my cravings for my sweets but hopefully soon I can knock that out along with the smoking.

I haven't gone out drinking in over a month. I miss getting really drunk but this workout is keeping me focused. I am hoping for one or two more times of drinking bliss with the crew here in England before I head back to the states.

Which brings me to my next point, I'm coming home. I fly out September 2 to Florida to see my sister and her husband. After staying with them for about a week then I fly back to Illinois. Somehow I have to find a job and start saving cash so I can afford to go to Culver's Homecoming.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about coming home. Part of me is excited to see my family and friends but a larger part of me is knowing that I am going to miss England and all my friends over here a lot. I've created such an amazing life over here. A life that doesn't follow my past but instead allows me to look towards the future. I am planning on coming back someday and moving here. Hopefully it will be when I make it as a West End performer but until that day I have to go home and save money.

That's all for now since I need to get some sleep so I can get up and do my workout in the morning. I'll try to post more often.